Orgasming is the obvious end goal to pretty much every sex act. But
when it comes to how long it takes you to get there, what’s the ideal
amount of time to last before giving yourself over to the big “O”?
To get to the bottom of exact right time to orgasm during sex, we
asked a few women for their take on the best time to let it rip. Here’s a
real look at what these five ladies think is the right time for a guy
to finish — plus their honest take on a few things they do to get that
timing right (that you might want to look out for).
1. Until You Absolutely Can’t Take It Anymore
“It’s not so much the duration that matters to me as it does that the
orgasm is intense and genuine, and that he really has lasted until he
could not possibly hold it in any longer and gave it his all, you know?
Obviously no one wants a one minute man, and if that’s truly only how
long you can hold it I’d say it’s time to start practicing some stamina.
But I also wouldn’t want a guy to be timing it and speeding it up on
purpose — or holding it in for so long that it’s uncomfortable. A far as
tricks I’ve used to slow things down, typically if I think a guy is
really close and we’re only a minute or two in, I’ll take a really long
time to switch positions — or start doing something else to some other
part of his body. Or sit on his face. In terms of speeding things up,
I’ll really only do that if the sex is awful and I want it to be over.
If I start riding you like a cowboy from the wild west, I want you to be
done, now.” – Genevieve, 29
2. After You Get Her Off
“There’s nothing worse than having sex with a guy who’s done in five
minutes, and then gives a half-hearted effort at getting you off because
he’s too tired, and there’s nothing in it for him since he’s already
been taken care of. Women statistically take longer to reach orgasm. Get
us there first, and we’ll be even more happy and eager to make you
come. I’ve actually pulled a guy out of me before and insisted that he
bring me to orgasm before allowing him back in me. Harsh? Maybe. But
you’ve got to do what you got to do.” – Darla, 32